Download Now! A Mother's Grief: 10 Ways to Survive & Thrive, an ebook to help you feel less alone

grief coaching
How grief coaching can change your life

My daughter died of cancer, now what... who am I?
My name is Christina Stiverson. Six years ago I was totally numb with a fake smile on my face and tears in my heart, but thanks to a tremendous amount of soul searching and relentless grief coaching work, I have completely transformed myself. I’m not the same person I was before my daughter died. I have reached a place of gratitude for the 3 years and 17 days my daughter was here with us, and I now have a lifetime of inspiration, a new purpose, and more clarity than ever before on how to help others. Years later, my smile is my truth and it's filled with pure appreciation for the gift I was given.
Here is what I know. My strength and pain is no greater or less than anyone else's. Every day is not perfect, and there are still tough days, but more than the grief and sadness, I have immense gratitude for my daughter’s life that nobody can ever take away. My life truly is happening FOR me, not to me, and I am living it in a way my daughter would be proud of. I wholeheartedly believe in the potential to lead an extraordinary life empowered by loss and driven by self-discovery.
We can't change the past, but we can change the way we think about it.
Grief is not an end,
It's a new beginning.
"Christina’s coaching style is dynamic, compassionate, and authentic. Her courage has motivated me to work through the loss of my son and finally take my mental and physical wellness into my own hands."
-Lee Ann B.

Featured in the Los Angeles Times article
Why I Decided to Become A Grief Coach
by Angela Jamison
my background
~Married for 12 years and mother to three beautiful girls
~22-year retired US Air Force veteran
~Certified Grief Coach with a Masters Degree in Organizational Management
~Dedicated fitness/wellness trainer for over 20 years
~President, Foundation for Addie's Research, focusing on rare pediatric liver cancer